Áreas de práctica
12. Consumer Protection
We advise our clients on matters relating to consumer protection and commercial loyalty regulations.

We propose measures allowing our clients to comply with the applicable rules in connection with the products and services they market, in particular regarding the following:

  • Information they must provide to consumers.
  • Protection of the consumer’s health.
  • Conditions to be observed upon offering and selling products and services.
  • Identification of goods.
  • Designation of origin.
  • Promotion of products and services by means of advertising campaigns and prizes.

We draft clear consumer contracts so as to avoid having them questioned for containing abusive terms or ineffective clauses.

We act in the administrative and judicial instance of claims relating to consumer rules. We represent our clients in collective actions, class actions and claims for punitive damages.

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2024 Todos los derechos reservados. Diseño web Agustina De Vita. Programación web Gonzalo Torres.