• We prioritize


    We build relationships of trust

    that last over time.

  • Excellence

    at work.

    Quality and passion for our work

    make us stand out.

  • Ethics

    in action.

    We believe in truth and justice.

  • We defend

    what is fair.

    We get involved with our clients's needs and intervene

    to ensure that their interests are protected.

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The Firm
About Us.

We are a law firm with a corporate profile.

The national and international experience of our members guarantees a view of law adapted to the needs of an evolving world. We accompany our clients in their daily management needs and help them to achieve their objectives.
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Our Team
Dedicated to provide a quality service.

We are committed to our clients and devoted to offer a comprehensive and professional service.

We have experience in different branches of law, both at national and international level, and are focused on responding to inquiries and solving conflicts quickly and efficiently.
Meet the team
Want to work with us?
At Morano & Sambrizzi we focus on maintaining an excellent working environment featuring professional growth.
If you are interested in working with us, send us your CV and we will take you into account in our future searches.
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The information contained in this site is for information purposes only and in no event may it be considered legal advisory.
2024 Todos los derechos reservados. Diseño web Agustina De Vita. Programación web Gonzalo Torres.