Áreas de práctica
15. New Businesses
We accompany entrepreneurs and funds in the development of new businesses, offering them a wide variety of services so that they can focus exclusively on their business.

Our clients include startups, accelerators and funds, which provides us extensive experience in the structuring of scalable and fast growing businesses, as well as in the drafting of agreements and other legal documents to safeguard the shareholders’ investment.

Our objective is to prepare solid structures at all legal levels (corporate, contract, labor, tax, etc.).

Our services include the following:

  • Preparation of the corporate structure
  • Drafting of investment agreements
  • Drafting of operating agreements
  • Shareholders’ agreements
  • Incentives for “key” employees
  • Funding rounds and capital increases
  • Advisory during negotiation and closing
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The information contained in this site is for information purposes only and in no event may it be considered legal advisory.
2024 Todos los derechos reservados. Diseño web Agustina De Vita. Programación web Gonzalo Torres.