Áreas de práctica
08. Real Estate and Construction
We advise companies and individuals of the real estate and construction industry on their needs in connection with the different transactions and businesses relating to the development, sale and exploitation of real property.

We advise our clients on all stages relating to real estate development of buildings, land and real estate complexes, whether for residential, commercial, corporate, industrial, tourist or hotel use. We work from the search and negotiation of land, the legal and financial structuring of projects, the creation of real estate trusts and the obtainment of approvals, until the construction, marketing and delivery of the product.

We also have many clients in the construction industry, with whom we work in the different stages of works tenders, the negotiation and execution of contracts with principals, suppliers and contractors, financing and performance of the works until the delivery thereof and compliance with warranty terms.

We also advise individuals on their different purchase, sale, lease and mortgage transactions with real property.

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The information contained in this site is for information purposes only and in no event may it be considered legal advisory.
2024 Todos los derechos reservados. Diseño web Agustina De Vita. Programación web Gonzalo Torres.